Dear Friend,  

Once again, Chabad Israel Center will be producing our unique, annual Jewish Calendar 5779, customized for the greater Los Angeles area. It is an attractive publication and will include the civil, as well as Jewish dates, along with detailed information about upcoming holidays, educational messages and Shabbat and Holiday candle lighting times.  

Whether you have a business to advertise, a new year’s greeting, birthday, anniversary or Yahrtzeit of your loved ones to announce, (or all of the above), I look forward to your participation and support!  

The Jewish Calendar -as you surely know- is an effective business promotion opportunity as practically every Jewish home uses a calendar.  

This very attractive calendar will be distributed before Rosh Hashana 5779, to over 3000 Jewish homes and businesses in Southern California!  

I hope that you will join us in making this calendar a success. I would greatly appreciate your support.  

For your convenience, you can enter your information online below.

If you have any questions or you would like your ad to be picked up, or have any questions,

please call 310-271-6193 ext 109 or email c[email protected]

Thank you for your generous assistance in this project and may G‑d bless
you with success in all your endeavors.  


Rabbi Amitai Yemini   

P.S. Please turn in your ads no later than Aug 15th 2018.  


Advertising Opportunities

Business Card               $460

      placed in a specific month

Business Card               $125

      placed in the ads section 

To submit your ad design (JPG or PDF) please email it to c[email protected]


Birthdays, Anniversaries, & Yartzeits ($20 per date)

dedicate a calendar date in honor of a loved one's Birthday, Anniversary, or Yartzeit.

Enter information below as applicable. 

Occasion 1     Full Name 

Hebrew & Secular Date  


Occasion 2   Full Name 

Hebrew & Secular Date  


Occasion 3   Full Name 

Hebrew & Secular Date  

Click here for a Hebrew/English Birthday Converter 


Terms of Payment

Please Invoice Me      Charge my Credit Card 

 for the amount of: 

 Name   Billing Address 

City, State, Zip  Email 


Credit Card information

Card Number  Name On Card 

Exp. Date   Security Code 


Thank you!